Thursday, December 3, 2015

My Interesting Facts.

1. ga punya gigi taring, dan ini serius (it's weird, right?).
2. i have an aunt who is younger than me.
3. onlineshopping is my another hobby.
4. really close to my friend(s) parents.
5. pake kacamata dari umur 6 (SD kelas 1)
6. pake softlens dari umur 13 (SMP kelas 2)
7. my ex(s) was born in april.
8. sometimes i used to think that i'm bi.
9. already chat nonstop for 5 years (with my bestfriend, even after we meetup)
10. in love snapchat.
11. taking a pretty selfie alot, then delete it.
12. save the ugly selfie and keep it forever.
13. i'm totally weird, i think this why i'm single.
    no one fits me well, NO ONE (until today)
14. i'm a creepy stalker.
15. love music, but i can't play any instrument. just sing.

16. i love travelling but..... ugh! work.
17. spending money easily, and feel bad about it.
18. diluar rapi bersih, kamarnya? kaya kapal pecah.
19. i have alot nail polish, tapinya jarang kutekan.
20. hampir semua baju di lemari mayoritas HITAM.
    kadang cari bajunya susah, warna nya sama semua #lolsotrue
21. suka film thriller, tapi benci horror.
22. i love marathon (on TV and DVD)
23. love dogs too much. especially dachshund #crying
24. love taking photo of everything.
25. i'm addicted to brain and logic game.
26. short term memory.
27. gampang jijik sama sesuatu.
28. kalo ngomong suka campur-campur, ngetik aja iya.
29. ..... i love birthday (ulang tahun semua orang #smirk)
30. hmmm.... lagi nyari cowo #lol

maafkan kalo fact nya agak ampas hahaha

thankyou for reading,
xoxo, cathy.

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