Friday, December 4, 2015

My Future Will Be.....

i think my future will be normal. normal girl with normal life.
but... i'm not really normal.
duduk diem tanpa bergerak entah tangan atau kaki goyang.
rasanya aneh, i've tried to be normal. worst 5 second in my life.

so, my dream is...
i just want to be awesome mom. ideal wife type.
idk if i just want to be a mom or carrier mom.
i love to work but, i still love to wake up late.
OKAY! i want to be my own boss #smirk
make my online shop working again with a huge income
everyday, everyweek, everymonth, forever.

-yeah i have 2 onlineshop but it's temporarily close
because i'm to busy working for now

my future will be amazing if i have a twins (boy/girl) and then awesome husband (but for now i want boyfriend and have an epic relationship, then we married #aww) and lovely dream house, not too big, not too small, just enough to live with my lovely family.

- sampe disini cukup keren kalo beneran terjadi
so i will make it happen, if God want to
and with an effort from me and my future husband.

setiap weekend bisa keluar ke tempat baru, biar tau daerah tempat tinggal kita tuh kaya apa. jadi tiap minggu selalu punya "family time" trus punya kerjaan yang santai tapi serius (not freelancer) bisa menjamin ke depannya. trus nabung sendiri ga mau repotin orang lain dan punya alat-alat yang memadai hobby gw (photography, fashion, and make-up), lalu bisa backpacker bareng pasangan, atau travelling bareng keluarga (pertama Indonesia dulu baru keliling dunia).

this is the best part...i will have a husband who will be my bestfriend, my brother, my dad, my heroes, and...absolutely MY PARTNER IN CRIME! #evillaugh and it's really important to be a best dad ever for the kids and i really want an awesome twins (2 boys / 2 girls / boy and girl, it's ok) and me with my bestie is absolutely must be keep in touch no matter what. i want to have my own relationship goal and happy ever after, not like a disney story but my own story.

thankyou for reading
xoxo, cathy.

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