Monday, November 30, 2015

30 days blog challenge.

so, i want to start my "30 days blog challenge" tommorow.
1st day of December 2015.

1 - introduce and recent photo.
2 - current relationship. if single discuss how single life is.
3 - write 30 interesting facts about yourself.
4 - how you hope your future will be like.
5 - put your ipod on shuffle and write that 10 songs pop up.
6 - somewhere you'd like to move or visit.
7 - nicknames you have, why do you have them.
8 - what are you affraid of.
9 - favorite quote.
10 - your 10 favorite food.
11 - what's on your handbag.
12 - what's on your make up bag.
13 - a picture of you and your family.
14 - your zodiac sign and if you think it fits your personality.
15 - something that you miss.
16 - discuss your first love and first kiss.
17 - your middle name and how you feel about it.
18 - write about your closest friend(s).
19 - tell us about last movies you saw in theatre.
20 - the initial of your crush(es).
21 - tell us your 3 favorite colors.
22 - your favorite subject to study.
23 - list your three favorite girls name, boys name and pets name.
24 - a photo of you from 2008. how have you changed since then.
25 - something you always think "what if" about.
26 - ways to win your heart.
27 - five weird things you love about.
28 - things you like and dislike about yourself.
29 - take a picture of yourself right now and post it.
30 - goals for the next 30 days.

let's start it tommorow and enjoy my blog.
hope you like it and leave a comment below.
goodnight, peeps!
xoxo, cathy.